Thursday, November 17, 2011

So I got a new job and...

I plan on spending almost every dime I earn. Don't worry though, it'll be on useful neat stuff, unlike bills. I'm lucky to not have to worry about them just yet. Soon though, so haters don't worry I'll join your ranks soon (<- random). I'm sorry I post the weirdest shit when I'm tired and I've been in front of a screen for hours. Its my fault of course... but then I did it knowingly so there's really no fault... unless I were to refer to the amount of brain cells I've killed... then of course it is DEFINITELY my fault. Soo... the VIP tickets sold out for Dir en Grey. I'm not too upset over it, like I still plan on seeing them perform. I'm just really hoping this is not the last opportunity I have to see them all. If you haven't heard, current/ former J-rockers have been dropping like fly's. (Gruesome, Pessimistic, and Uncalled for.. I know... but these are just things that HAVE to be considered. What with whats going on in Japan right now. And Kaoru himself is worried as hell... I will pray for them. "Lord... please don't make any of the diru band members catch radiation and then become quarantined, possibly die/ live but pass on to his descendants. Amen.... especially Die." I feel like Die is most likely... Idk, he's so tall and thin.. and looks diseased ridden. *shurgs* I'd still marry him. Um... so yeah I should probably hit the sheets. So I'll sign off for now. Here's the first song I called my favorite off of the Uroboros album... which will be remade?! AWESOME SAUCE AND PIE DIP *-*! Dir En Grey- Toguro by anbmjj