Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The "As he kissed her goodnight she stirred awake" Series

      For all you above average artists and writers out there. You know when you begin your work and you come to a fork in the road? With a work of art its "either I add this or I add this." With a piece of writing its "either my story goes this way or it goes that way." Yeah well that happened to me so I decided to go both paths. To be completely honest, I wrote ONE sentence and ended up with two completely different yet slightly similar stories. But the thing is when I was writing I came across several forks. In the first story I fear the some of the forks I came to.. I ended up going the wrong way. (lol) However in the second story, among the several forks I encountered.. for the most part I choose the correct ones ;). 
     So without further adu, here is path number one (aka the red pill *matrix reference*... don't worry it has nothing to do with the matrix... however for anyone who has red Stephanie Meyer's Saga.. its has some influence, yes. )

      As he kissed her goodnight she stirred awake. She tilts her head a little and see’s no one and nothing but the light shining through from the moon.  “That’s strange..?” Her hand grazes her cheek, still moist. She was slightly confused considering he’d never even been inside her house before. However, he HAS been in her dreams on countless occasions to make believe it was almost real. Maybe a midnight glass will put her mind at ease. She gets up to go to the kitchen and feels a slight breeze against her nightgown. “I didn't leave the window open” she says to herself “Or... maybe I did. Mmh, whatever.” She’s heads to the kitchen to get her favorite red wine, Merlot; not too sweet and not too dry. She pours it into the wine glass that she’s used more times than she could possibly count and begins sipping the dark red liquid. “If this thing were just slightly thicker, it’d practically be blood” she says out loud.  “Funny you should say that,” an unknown voice announces. The woman screams at the top of her lungs and turns with the glass in hand, ready to use as a weapon. But she stops short as she catches a glimpse of the creature that iterated the sentence. It was the man she’s dreamt of over and over again. The love she never had a chance to touch.
“It’s you,” she whispers out. “I am sorry I startled you, it wasn’t my intention to, you must believe me.” “He has an accent?” she thinks to herself. The man only smiles. The woman slowly lets down her defense and stands as is frozen, looking at the man quizzically.  “Ah yes, surely you have questions and I, of course, can answer them.” He waits for an accord and does not get an answer. A couple of long seconds pass and the woman slowly, but surely nods.  He huffs air as if he did not want her to agree to his question. “I must say I will be quite embarrassed to appose upon you the secret I’ve been keeping from you for the past 3 years.” This got her going, exactly as he intended. “Wait a second, what secret could you possibly have held so strictly that I wouldn’t even remember our contacting in the first place!?” She was afraid she already knew, as well as she was terrified to ask how. The man begins to laugh. Yet it is not the laugh of a man. The woman swears that his laugh went up and down at least 3 octaves. But the laugh itself was music to her ears, so much so that she wanted to faint from seduction.  The man senses the change in her and immediately stops. “I’m sorry” he clears his throat, “I did not mean to upset you (he lies to prevent her from knowing anymore than there was necessary to know just yet.)” “Oh, no I’m fine,” she gasps out. “Perhaps we should sit you down first mmh?” The man slowly takes a step towards her. She wants to stop him considering he’s a complete stranger, but then she thinks “how can he be a stranger if I dreamt of him for the past several years?” Her mind wins over intuition and she chooses to put up her guard. “Don’t- come any closer” She stutters out. He stops dead in his tracks and backs away a few paces; hands up in compliance. “I do not wish to harm you. You must understand, I would NEVER do ANYTHING to hurt you” he hesitates to say what his heart wants him to say, then chooses to oblige “my love.” The woman is dumbfounded and does not know how to respond. Normally she would call the stranger a creapo and ignore it. But when he said it, it just felt so natural. So much so that she almost unthinkingly responded with her own words of endearment.
The night drew on as the two began exchanging there sides of what they know about the love they’ve shared. Of course the man’s recount is actually true. However the woman found that the things the man was telling her were not only his recollection, but that she had recognition of them. She was past the point of being weireded out when the man slowly began to give hints of what he was. The woman lifted her eyes to his, and almost lost herself, but kept stead because of what he was building up to say. Yet… he never said. He stopped as if he wanted her to know already without him having to say anymore. His wish came true. She knew what he was, and she knew his stories were true. Seeing how this man was part of the supernatural, she considered the fact that he could have easily lead her to believe these things with what ever such powers he may have. But she didn’t want to believe that because she KNEW. She felt it all the way down to the flesh clinging to her bones, and even further. He-is-my-love, and nothing and no one could say differently.

And now path number two (aka the blue pill... I had to stick to it [matrix reference]!)

As he kissed her goodnight she stirred awake. He didn’t want her to realize he was the reason for her premature awakening so he pretended to sleep. The woman tilted her head out of habit and saw her lover sleeping soundly, so she lightly kissed his forehead. To the woman’s dismay she saw that she had awoken the man. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “Go back to sleep.” The man looked around as if confused and then looked at the woman. “Oh… what time is it?” His groggy voice choked out, he was quite the actor. “It’s too early to get up,” the woman smiled softly back. The man said it’s too late and lifted up to stretch. The woman said alright and did the same. The time was 4 in the morning and the sun was no where in sight. “Now what should we do?” The man’s voice said surprisingly without a trace of sleep. The woman eyed him questioningly and then only laughed. The man slightly ducked his head and said “I mean uuh… ooh I’m sooo sleepy still.” They began laughing together. The man stopped laughing first and only stared at the woman. When the woman realized she slowly stopped laughing as well and stared back at the man, a trace of humor still touching her smiling lips. “Your laugh is the laugh of a singing angel” the man said with a slightly serious, slightly adoring face. The woman cracked up. “Oh shut it!” She laughed out while hoping out of bed. The man didn’t see that coming so he got out of bed and followed the woman. “I’m serious!” The man whined out. The woman could tell his feelings were hurt. “What a baby,” she thought to herself. “Okay, thanks?” Is all the woman could think to say. That was good enough. The man was immediately happy again and lifted her tightly in an embrace. The woman began laughing from the sudden absence of gravity but then stopped short from the hardness that touched her leg. “Baby!” She yelled out. “It’s morning wood, that’s all,” the man said half embarrassed, half amused. “Du-yeah oookaay” the woman rolled her eyes and got down. “How long have you been awake before you woke me up?” The woman eyed the man, hand on her hips tapping the floor. The man felt as if he were being scorned by his mother for wetting the bed. “Not looong, just… I was staring at your face. It’s beautiful you know.” With that, all seriousness left the woman’s face and she began laughing again. “Whatever!” The woman choked out. She headed towards the kitchen and the man only followed. “Mmh… I want a snack” The woman pouted out. “Then eat something.” The man simply replied. “Eat me” he thought in his head. He was obviously hard from additional thoughts as well. The woman turned back to him frowning and the man swore she just heard what he thought to himself. “I can’t just EAT, it’s four in the morning!” The woman said, slightly agitated. The man felt relieved. “Oh, umm… sorry?” The woman rolled her eyes. “Mmh,” she pondered. The man took that time to cross the distance between them, and embrace the woman once more, this time purposefully exposing his hardness to her. The woman giggled out shyly “teeheehee, stoppp.” The man saw this as an opportunity so he turned the woman and swiftly began kissing her on the mouth. Due to the first and second time the man rubbed against her, the kiss was just enough to get her going. The man stopped kissing her and huffed out “How bout’ a midnight snack?” They kissed again. The woman then stopped and breathed out “it’s 4 o’clock, not midnight.” They kissed once more. The man then said “that’s a yes” and lifted her onto the counter. The woman only moaned in agreement.
The two were only in their pajamas, the woman’s; a nightgown and panties, and the man’s;  a shirt and boxer shorts, so that really allowed for easy access. The man acted first. He put one hand on the woman’s back and the other hand began reaching for her underwear. The woman followed step and broke the kiss to remove her lover’s shirt. Her underwear was half-way off already when she reached for his boxer pants. The man used both of his hands to finally take the underwear off and the woman only pushed down the man’s boxer’s to reveal the man’s erected penis. The woman hopped off the counter and got onto her knees while the man pulled her nightgown over her shoulders to reveal her soft breasts. When the man reached for the woman’s breast she bent more, out of reach from the man, to take his boxer’s off completely. The two were now completely naked in there kitchen with the light from the ceiling fan and the soft light from the outside shining upon them. There was one window in the kitchen, but the blinds were shut tightly. The sun wouldn’t reach them until a couple more hours so they spent the rest of the time with each other. The man began playing with the succulent breasts he had come to love so much while the woman roughly turned the man against the counter and wrapped her mouth around the cock she had come to adore.
TBC (for sure… although I’m afraid of what I’ll come up with next because what I came up with so far was due to an artsy mood.. if I begin writing this and I’m not feeling artsy I COULD ruin it completely. Stay tuned to find out :D!)
Continued:  The woman began the repetition she had studied to bring the man to his peak the fastest. And it never gets boring to him. She went up and down and turned her head from side to side. The man smiled softly in delight, he gently pulled her hair to the side and whispered into her ear “That’s it, lick it all up”. She became even more enthusiastic. She continued diligently, up, down, up, down, paused over the head and then licked every inch of his manhood. She knew his climax was near so she continued to suck the living life out of him- until… “Oouuah” the man groaned out. “Mmh “the woman said in reply. She looked into his eyes as spurts of her lover’s seamen came into her mouth. She swallowed them lovingly. The man brought her to her feet, turned her around, and went down on his knees. The woman only smiled seductively at him. He pushed her onto the counter top and spread her legs apart, thus revealing her in every way imaginable. He then began the ceremony he had come to LOVE performing. Letters were written over her clitoris. A, B, C, D, he continued through the whole alphabet. To the woman it only felt like his tongue was a talent to behold. She ran her fingers through his hair and pushed him further onto her vagina. His tongue slipped into her wet vaginal canal and the woman moaned in delight. The man adored pleasuring his lover so he became hard as stone and turned into a ravishing monster. He pulled away from her vagina with his mouth only to replace it with his rock hard penis. She screamed in delight as he thrust deep inside her. The lover’s were now holding onto each other tightly as they began the dance of sexual connection. He pushed into her and she only pushed back just as hard. They locked their mouths in a tongue gouging kiss. The man’s penis went in and out, warring with the woman’s cervix and g-spot. The woman began massaging the man’s testicles with one hand and nipping one of his nipples with the other. The man groaned in delight. The lover’s looked fiercely into one and other’s eyes; it was a look only people connected on such a high level can retain. They truly loved each other very much. The first orgasm came soon and then another a little longer afterwards. They were so turned on by each other that they lasted for several hours. It wasn’t until the sun was fully visible on the horizon that the lover’s finally had their last peak, this time enjoying it together. The man fell on top of the woman and she only laughed with exhaustion clear in her voice. They got off the living room couch (which was one of the many places they had migrated to in their sexual journey) and made their way slowly, yet surely to their bedroom. Luckily for them it was Labor Day weekend so they both had the day off.  They wouldn’t be waking up until 2 in the afternoon, a well needed nap. The woman looked into the man’s eyes and whispered “What a great snack.” They both began laughing. The man voiced his agreement and continued laughing. “I love you,” he said to her. “I love you too,” she said in reply.

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